vineri, 29 august 2008

don't let go

This is brilliant... so touching... i have no other words but magnificent...

I can't believe this moment's come
It's so incredible that we're alone
There's so much to be said and done
It's impossible not to be overcome
Will you forgive me if I feel this way
Cuz we've just met - tell me that's OK
So take this feeling'n make it grow
Never let it - never let it go
Don't let go of the things you believe in
You give me something that I can believe in
Go of this moment in time
I can't explain the things that I'm feeling
Don't let go
No, I won't let go

Now would you mind if I bared my soul
If I came right out and said your'e beautiful
Cuz there's something here
I can't explain
I feel I'm diving into driving rain
You get my senses running wild
I can't resist your sweet, sweet smile
So take this feeling'n make it grow
Never let it - never let ït go


I met someone like this and fell deeply in love with him- this song reminds me of him - it brings back memories of him and myself and I find myself missing him dreadfully and ...... evokes my deepest emotions.

"Set me free.. darling rescue me... "

Do I have to say the words? Do I have to tell the truth? Do I have to shout it out?


3 comentarii:

Day spunea...

Sometimes you must let go the person that u love.... But, what is the best way to let go of someone you love?
I don't know the answer......

Day spunea...

Cred ca ai trecut si eu prin asta, de doua ori.... oare de ce ne este atat de greu sa ne decidem asupra lucrurilor sau persoanelor importante din vietile noastre (sentimentele niciodata nu ne dau pace).
De cele mai multe ori ma intreb ...."cum naiba sa fac sa fie ok pentru amandoi?"
Stiii.... pana la urma cineva tot are de suferit....
Poate ca sunt eu prea indecisa sau inca copil si nu reactionez "rapid si sigur"...
Inca mai caud raspunsuri.... si-ncerc sa nu ranesc pe nimeni.... e dificila treaba asta!!!

Day spunea...

Imi plece cum gandesti.... poate e de vina si experienta!
Oricum la mine ceva e sigur: mai am de tras asupra luarii unor decizii....:((

Mai povestim....

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